Dear artist, cultural worker, cultural organisation, friend of SOTA,
In November, SOTA switches to the next gear: three Almanac sessions in four weeks! In which we question the ethics of digital devices, the services, platforms and software we use as artists, designers, organisers and people working around the arts, to compare them to our worldviews and the way we want to work together during the Almanac Session Pooling With Public Tech on 6 November. In addition, we raise awareness about accessibility in the arts during an Almanac Session on (non)- Ableism on 20 November. The third Almanac Session on 27 November will focus on Common Income: How to solidify and collectivise income and other resources? How to start talking about ‘us’ instead of just ‘my’ income?
Many artists and cultural workers are increasingly sympathetic with community based tools, whose source code is accessible and which are not based on data extraction or unfair work conditions. These projects offer a perspective of how to organise our digital household in healthier inter-dependence with the ecological and social views expressed by the tools. Altogether, the growing range of available free-software, open-source and community-made tools is contributing to create working ecologies that depend less and less on GAFAM and other capitalist tools.
Then again, the wish for different techno-ecologies often meets the reality of practice. For some it is possible to embrace the changes that come with using less proprietary tools, and their consequences to other facets of practice and life. For others, this remains a too big step to take, as either the dependencies by Big Tech are too rooted in daily work, or the time and effort it takes to switch to something else seems not available. The session proposes multiple levels of entrance into working with free-er and fairer digital tools, starting from the practice of the two organisers: Constant & Nubo.
Date: November 6th, 14:00 – 17:00
Location: iMAL, 30 Quai des Charbonnages
Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels
Language: To be determined based on the language of the participants
Reservations & more info
ALMANAC SESSION #9: (Non)-Ableism
Engagement Arts & SOTA are organising a discussion on accessibility on 20 November. Read more here
Date: 20 November
Location: Museum Dr Guislain, Jozef Guislainstraat 43 B-9000 Ghent
Organisation: Organised by Engagement Arts & State of the Arts
More info soon!
ALMANAC SESSION #10: Common Income: from ‘my’ to ‘our’ income?
How to solidify and collectivise income and other resources? How to start talking about ‘us’ instead of just ‘my’ income? Does ‘income’ only mean money? Get inspired by concrete initiatives today and join the discussion about the ethical principles behind them. Read more here
Date: 27 November
Location: DeKoer, Meibloemstraat 86, Ghent
Organisation: Organised by Common Income & State of the Arts i.c.w. Kunstenpunt i.h.k.v.. A Fair New Idea and DeWereldMorgen.be.
Free of charge, register here
More news about Door-to-Door in the next newsletter