Dear home sitters,
To reopen or not to reopen, and when? It has been the question of the week for six months now. For us, the key question goes deeper: in what kind of sector are we going to create and show art again? And in which society? And for whom?
That’s why SOTA is happy to support the students who have been occupying De Munt for almost two weeks now, and who offer other forgotten voices a public stage every day at 5 pm. Come and visit their occupation in Garbage Town on Sunday! It will be fun.

Sunday 18th of April: welcome in Garbage Town!
Coming Sunday, from 12h to 18h, Bezet La Monnaie Occupée opens GARBAGE TOWN on Place Monnaie in Brussels: a utopian city of cardboard for the forgotten people of this covid crisis. The left-overs of the commercial shops in Rue Neuve become our roof, our decor, our playground.
Pass by on Sunday to listen and watch and play! There will be music, speeches and short performances, as a sharp analysis of these times by young and other voices from the fringes. GARBAGE TOWN is vulnerable, but powerful. Distraught, but cheerful. And full of life!
Do you want to help building this Saturday? Or do you have cardboard, wood or pieces of cloth to contribute? Or you want to help on Sunday from 10am to put the finishing touch to the cardboard town? Check here how.
The occupiers also ask for financial support for small purchases, please support!

Do (still) #dekreet!
The Arts Decree has been voted on, but crucial details still need to be decided in the coming weeks, such as the budget for artists’ grants and project subsidies, exact agreements on fair pay… They will make or break our practice after Corona.
How and why? Rudi Laermans explains it all in detail in this fresh article about the dangers of the new decree and the high need for protest.
Express your concerns in a short video or zoom-dialogue and send it to us. Many have preceded you with #dekreet. Making a public fuss has turned weird political decisions around before! It is actually very simple.

Next Almanac-meeting canceled
Due to the impossibility of meeting live in a larger group these weeks, we have canceled our monthly Almanac-event on Saturday 24th of April in Leuven.
Save the date! Next meeting on Saturday 29th of May, about all possibilities and pitfalls of new forms of using spaces for art, co-housing cooperatives, empty buildings and studio space. How do we deal with our space for art? More soon…
Greetings from a new world,