An invitation to participate in a discussion and a collective assembling of suggestions in relation to the reform of the social security for artists!

Fair Arts Almanac Session #2: SOCIAL SECURITY
The second edition of our monthly Almanac session on February 27, 2021 is devoted to social security. This is a warm invitation to participate in a discussion and a collective collection of suggestions related to the reform of social security for artists.In the framework of SOTA’s preparations for the second Fair Arts Almanac 2022 and “How to Live & Work Now” at Kaaitheater
The corona crisis has painfully demonstrated that a great many artists in Belgium could not fall back on the protection of social security. Many artists from dance, film, graphics, literature, music, performance, theater, visual arts, etc. are not or insufficiently protected by the existing statutes of social security and fall between the cracks of the social security system. The new federal government has therefore proposed a reform in order to make the social security for artists more sustainable. This reform is included in the overall (government) coalition agreement. The “momentum” seems now, so it is important to discuss what we, artists and art workers, want from this reform…
Practical: Application is free via this link!
Time: 13u – 18u
Location: Online

Still Standing: On Saturday 20th February, we are doing culture!
Do you agree that since the cultural sector was closed down again, it’s very silent? That the economic effect of the lockdown is not fairly distributed? Do you also want to show your solidarity with other vulnerable groups?This call is for you… We have an idea, please join!
Find out more:
RECAP: Fair Arts Almanac session #1: Time For Rest

In the arts, the relations between taking REST and fairness, are complex and intertwined. Art is often seen as leisure, and non-productive. This trivialising perspective is ignoring the pressures and engagements of a market driven art field, the high standards, the values and impacts art has in society. At the same time art is providing relaxation to the tunnel visions of the daily, and suspends the stress on productivity by pointing at other life views. We wanted to give a frame to experience, to explore, to take, to give, to be with, to fall deep into – but also to share, leave traces, enable oneself and others to repeat, intensify or understand moments of REST. You are warmly invited to still follow the proposed scores, meditate into a bathing video, to read the notes takenthat day or a reflective letter, which you can all find here.

New Arts Decree is cooking….
and we’re cooking, too!
The revision of the Arts Decree was proposed at the Council of Ministers on 18 December 2020. The Flemish Government gives its approval ‘in principle’ to the preliminary draft of the Arts Decree concerning the support of the professional arts. The new decree is a complete revision and restructuring of the existing Arts Decree of 2013. The advice of the Council of State is being sought on this preliminary draft of the Decree. Find out more
Help out the dancing communities / Voices Of Dance by filling in this form:
“Dear BE dance communities,
This questionnaire is trying to create a record of the many voices of of dance communities in relation to the Artist Status. While enquiring about this topic, we are well aware that not all dancers in Belgium don’t have access to the Artist Status at this stage.
Please share this amongst dancers /dance practitioners and encourage each other to fill in the questionnaire and feedback to us if possible by the 17th of February 2021. We will use this information to advocate for dancers in upcoming meetings with State of the Arts (SOTA), Artisten coalitie and others.”
With love,