The voice of polyphony: OPEN MEETING 25/10 between 18u & 21u
Policymakers like the arts sector to speak with one voice to give advice. But how do you do that, be multi-voiced and still make clear proposals?
State Of The Arts and Monty invite an open conversation about the need for new forms of shared representation and the obstacles on our way to fair representation.
How and where do we, artists, art workers and arts organizations find each other to join forces as a (cultural) ecosystem? Which voices are involved in which consultations and when? Who are the gatekeepers of the conversations between the sector and policymakers?
In recent years, many new organizations have emerged that voice their needs and vision for the art field. Increasingly, forms of horizontal consultation are being sought that can constructively and productively ‘represent’ the vast diversity of voices. After all, how do we guarantee that ‘unheard’, unknown and perhaps even unloved voices also find a place in the agora?
Representation and dialogue run like a thread through SOTA’s actions. In this Open Meeting, we want to take stock and reflect on new and surprising constellations in sector deliberations for the years to come.
Address: Montignystraat 3, 2018 Antwerp
Times: Door opening 17:30. Start at 18:00
Tickets: Free entry. Registration not required
Catering: Free soup for everyone. Bar is paying.
Language: Dutch. We try to offer French and English translation.
Graduated as an artist and a bit lost? Angry about the budget cuts? Looking for support? Wondering how other young artists find their way?
Welcome to JAM: a peer group of young Antwerp artists who meet every month to share their experiences about starting a career in theatre, visual arts, dance, music… What can we do together, apart from giving each other tips?
Come along to troubleshoot, complain and shittalking about anything that keeps you up at night as an artist.
In 2022, The Gap will do 3 more JAM sessions at Monty, each Monday at 8pm-10pm:
24 October
21 November
19 December
Just drop in! There’s also a peer group in the making in Brussels, wait and see….
And share our Facebook event with fellow artists.
16-18 DEC
In December 2022, we will conclude our residency at MONTY. We will do so for three days with local residents, cultural workers and engaged citizens. Conversation in practice. Make a note in your diary:
Friday 16 Dec: Reception and festive buffet
Saturday 17 Dec: The many faces of fairness. Presentations, talks and workshops based on the work around the new Fair Arts Almanac
Sunday 18 Dec: Launch of a conversation on 500 days to the elections.
Together with people from Door to Door
With artistic interventions by various dialogical artists in between… More later!
Interesting moments in the network
20/10: 20h: Update Kunstenaarsstatuut. Webinar offered by ACV PULSE.
Online. More here
23/10 : 13h Climate March 2022 in Brussels
On the streets. More here
23/10: 14h documenta talk offered by NICC
Room NICC Brussels. More here
26/10: 19h Explanations to the research Loont Passie2 offered by NICC
Online. More here