Together with NICC, The Music Guild, ACOD-Culture, ACLVB and SOFAM, we call for participation in the national event on 7 November 2024. Meet at 10.30am at Brussels North.

Culture, care and welfare are priorities in caring policy. We cannot separate these policy domains if we seek solutions together for a hopeful and just future. The cultural sector therefore joins hands with other subsidised sectors.
We ask the Flemish and (future) federal government to create the conditions to be able to do our work well.
The social security for artists – the artwork status – was finally reformed last legislature, but is now up for discussion again. We are not going to reverse this essential link in the system now, are we? It is time for a positive vision of culture and its workers. It is time for ambition and investment.
Our demands:
- Don’t touch the artwork statute
- Provide the promised employment measures
- Provide a budget for the VIA agreement that allows for a substantial improvement in wage and working conditions
- Open the way for a policy that maximises all the sector’s strengths.
Join us on 7 November, show your solidarity. Stay tuned.