SOTA in collaboration with Engagement Arts is providing a conversation about accessibility on the 20th of November. With the growing awareness of current ableist narratives in the arts, they are giving space to voices of people with disabilities in the arts to share their testimonies.
Within the formal setting of an installation a close-up invitation to listen to their stories opens an informal reflection on the obstacles these artists experience and their needs for a more accessible art practice.
Next to this there will be a textual art object, a tool to unpack the invisible barriers of how deeply rooted an ableist bias can be.
The event is happening in Museum Guislain, Josef Guislainstraat 43B, 9000 Gent on Saturday, the 20th of November, and is part of the Almanac Trajectory that invites to re-think Fair Arts Practices.
The audio-installation of testimonies (mostly in NL and some in ENG) will be accessible from 13 h until 17 h.
The event is for free and is part of an atelierspace set up by Simon Allemeersch in the current exhibition of Fernand Deligny. It is important to pass through the entrance desk to get a sticker that gives one free access. With our current funding possibilities we unfortunately aren’t able to make the installation accessible for the needs of d/Deaf people.
If you have any other needs concerning accessibility, please let us know. Transcription of the interviews can be provided, later on, if needed. We’re very much looking forward to welcome you to this event and also to engage with you in informal discussions on accessibility over a free cup of tea or coffee!
The content creation is supported by Kunstenpunt; and the event is subsidised by the VGC.

27 November: Almanac session #10: COMMON INCOME
November is the month of preparation for the chilly winter. How to get through these harsh times financially? For artists too, that remains their first concern, especially after Corona. This is not only due to underpaid wages in the arts, but also to the fact that we still consider income to be a very individual matter. How to solidify and collectivise income and other resources more? How can we start talking about ‘us’ instead of just ‘my’ income? Does ‘income’ only mean money? Today, let yourself be inspired by concrete initiatives and join in the discussion about the ethical principles behind them. First of all, the research group on Common Income will present a new proposal for collective income distribution within and outside the arts, developed as part of Kunstenpunt’s A Fair New Idea. You can also talk to similar concrete projects such as Collective Capital, The Common Wallet, SOS Relief… How does sharing work in practice? What can we learn from it for a more fair cultural sector?
Live in DeKoer, Meibloemstraat 86, Ghent
Organisation: Organised by Common Income & State of the Arts i.c.w. Kunstenpunt i.h.k.v.. A Fair New Idea and DeWereldMorgen.be.
Free of charge, register here