SOS Relief is one year old! To mark this occasion, we are hosting a webinar, open to those who have already participated in the tool as much as those who are curious to know more. The focus of the webinar is to outline what SOS Relief is, where it came from and what it has achieved, and to collectively think about what it can become. We are inviting guest speakers from similar initiatives, both locally and globally, to talk about their experiences in relation to wealth redistribution, trust, and solidarity in their specific contexts, as well as participants from the SOS Relief tool to talk about how the tool affects them, what they perceive as its merits and what are it’s possibilities for change.
The programme of the webinar is as follows:
10am – Introduction about SOS Relief. The SOS Relief team will explain why and how the tool came into existence, how it functions on a daily basis, and we will read some of the testimonies and motivations of people who have participated. We’ll also give a statistical overview of what the tool has achieved, and how different events influenced people’s participation in the SOS Relief.
10.20am – A conversation in which we’ll be joined by guest speakers from similar initiatives such as Banu Cennetoglu and Esra Aysun from Omuz in Turkey, Elli Vassalou from Urgent & Embrace by Globe Aroma who will talk about their own tools in relation to SOS Relief. Rudi Laermans will reflect on the political and historical context of solidarity movements and Wouter Hillaert will introduce a new project called Common Income. Additionally participants of SOS Relief are welcomed to talk about their own experience of the tool.
11.15am – Breakout Rooms. All present will be invited to a breakout room to talk over the issues that have been raised in the beginning of the webinar and to voice their own thoughts and opinions.
11.45am – Roundup Chat. Breakout rooms reconvene to summarise what was said in each group and to ask any further final questions.12.00-12.30 – Informal Hang out.
The webinar will take place on Zoom on 26th June 2021 10-12h (ECT).
Registration is possible through this link or by sending a mail to sosrelief@state-of-the-arts.net before June 19th.
SOS Relief is an initiative of State of the Arts to connect people in Belgium with financial stability to people in Belgium faced with dire precarity as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.
With thanks to Kunstenpunt

Almanac session #6: Empowering Artist-Run Spaces
State Of The Arts (SOTA)’s 6th event within the Fair Arts Almanac programme focuses on artist’s-run structures and how they empower!
03/07/2021, 14-18h
Location: Het Bos, Ankerrui 5-7, 2000 Antwerp Reservations: https://stateofthearts-almanac-hetbos.eventbrite.be
What do artists gain from running an organisation collectively? And how can these collectives empower surrounding actors?
Artists have not only been the victims of gentrification processes in the large cities worldwide, but for decades (unconsciously) functioned as a driving force from within this scheme. When setting up artist-run working spaces, artists often put a lot of time and energy into their start-up, maintenance and management. Of course, they get many advantages in return: being part of a network and the accompanying exchange, for example, and sometimes, hopefully, affordable space. But does it also strengthen their artistic, economic, social, and/or political position? What models exist – think for example of Scheld’apen, PAF, Jubilee, Theatergarage, etc… – that improve the opportunities and conditions of their members, and those of other groups who also struggle with the negative effects of gentrification? What ideas, tools and practices do they have?
In Belgium there are places where there is a balance between the energy that is put in and the energy that the people involved get out. How do they do it, how are these places organised? On the basis of a workshop where we focus on ideas and solutions rather than on the problems, we will visualise a variety of ideas and models and see in which contexts and conditions they are constructive or productive, are liable to receive support, have a potential of changing the socio-economic fabric of the art world…

Feedback session Reform Social Protection in the Cultural Sector
Dear artist, dear art worker,
We invite you to join us
This Saturday (12/06) from 10 – 12h30 for an online feedback session on the draft note drawn by the ministries, based on different inputs from the technical working group of Working in the Arts.
PM us or send a mail at politix@state-of-the-arts.net and we’ll send you a link and the documents.
This is the moment to let your voice be heard!
More info: https://state-of-the-arts.net/debate-draft-proposal-reform-social-protection-in-the-cultural-sector/

State Of The Arts (SOTA) invites you to our open meeting on Thursday 24th of June at 19.30h in Studiostart. SOTA advocates for cultural policies that are informed and attuned to the actual needs of artistic practices. SOTA is particularly committed to improving the conditions and working practices of independent artists and art workers.
Location: Studiostart, Ploegstraat 25, 2018 Antwerp. The location is accessible by stairs. When the weather is nice we can sit outside in the monastery garden. The meeting starts at 19:30 and ends at 21h. Please bring your own drinks.
Our best wishes, in the name of SOTA,
More info: https://state-of-the-arts.net/sota-open-meetings/
For clear, human and permanent criteria for regularization, join the citizen’s initiative “Law proposition for the régularisation of undocumented citizens” and sign the petition! https://dekamer.mijnopinie.belgium.be/initiatives/i-603