After more than 100 days behind our computers, State of the Arts meets again in real life. Do you have a lot to tell too? Be there! On Wednesday the 1st of July, the first day that cultural events can take place again, we organise an open air platform meeting in Brussels.
Why? Because the situation is still urgent, but our collective imagination even stronger. What about? That’s up to you. Send in your questions, plans or needs by Sunday 21 June and the concrete agenda will follow next week. SOTA exists to forge people and ideas together.
That’s why there’s still SOS Relief. Why we have the Tuesday Talks again tonight and next week at 8pm. On Thursday we also follow the D-Day for artists with short contracts in the federal parliament.
You want more? See you the 1st of July!
Live Open Platform, also for you
Looking back and forward we will, physically but safely. How did you experience the lockdown? What would you like to change from now on? How can we strengthen each other?
Wednesday 1st of July, Allee du Kaai, Avenue du Port 53, Brussels
Be welcome, whenever you feel like!
16h00-18h30: two open talking groups about the current political situation for the arts and a better income for artists.
18h30-19h30: open dinner, bring some food and drinks
19h30-21h30: Open Platform SOTA about all issues that you see as important and all other SOTA activity: innspire the agenda here.
Bring a tea or coffee cup to donate to Allée du Kaai.
Read more here, subscribe now and share the event on facebook.
Tuesday Talks
Tonight Liv Laveyne (De Grote Post), Haider Al-Timimi (Theater Antigone), Geert Buelens (University of Utrecht) and the young Ghent collective Zuidpark will elaborate on the question: ‘Is local the new normal? (in Flemish) More here.
Next week, on the 26th of May, the last Tuesday Talk will be full of dreams: ‘What if art was not ‘a sector’ anymore?’ Imagine 2040: what would the arts look like, what is our horizon? What images and pathways can we think of? About the power of imagination. (in English)
View all previous Tuesday Talks here.
SOS Relief: can you miss something?
Our solidarity tool is still going fast: 519 people gave together 71.550 euro to 213 receivers, but also 263 people are still waiting for relief.
Can you or your organisation spare 50, 100, 200 or 400 euros to support someone else in or outside the arts? Welcome to And even better, share our video.