An energizing brainstorm session on solutions
For many art students, graduating is jumping and falling at the same time. It feels like taking a step into an empty space – you can even call it ‘the gap’. How to build a network, make yourself visible, sustain your practice, create an income, find and afford a studio or rehearsal space, present your work to institutions or galleries? This is more than a problem of all times and all ages.
Art schools seem to fail to support this transition, while the working field appears to be very difficult to enter without ‘the right connections’. So the gap between school and art field seems to function as a strong filter that excludes those who have the least resources. Just look around: many emerging artists feel disoriented, lost, excluded and hopeless.
Let’s talk about this. Not only to complain, but to find solutions. We urgently invite (former) students, school staff and cultural workers to:
Wednesday April 20th, 19h30-22h00 @ Monty (Montignystraat 3, Antwerp) – organized by SOTA & ex-students
Subscribe here and invite colleagues!
What can be done differently? How could this gap become a bridge? How can schools support their students to begin a career after they have graduated? How can the art field welcome newcomers into its ecology? How can all this knowledge circulate more? Could this be an opportunity to strengthen the solidarity that already exists within the field?
We start the evening with some (more or less) concrete proposals. We invite you to help to refine these ideas at different discussion/working tables, depending on your interest. We see this evening as a first step to develop concrete solutions, big or small.
You are not alone in this.
We welcome you deeply.

This Friday and Saturday (1 and 2 April), the second collective editorial meeting takes place at the Monty. This also means that the deadline for the Open Call ends tomorrow! Be quick! Read all about it here