This weekend we finalize our SOTA residency in Monty in a chatty and celebrative mood. Come end the year with more ideas, tools and engagements for a fair (art) world! And if you can’t, do us a favour at the end of this newsletter.

1. Join us for Samenspraak!
16, 17 and 18 December in MONTY, Antwerp
a weekend full of dialogue, art and society
Saturday 17 December (13h-18h): almanac & SOTA 2.0!
Enter in the 1st draft of the Almanac 2023 and get into a spontaneous conversation with the editors! And learn about our new open SOTA structure.
This afternoon offers a lively insight in the many ideas and discussions that will be published in the Fair Arts Almanac in 2023, a SOTA publication with 12 chapters, 100 hot topics, 50 writers and many tools. See it as a preview of a book. You can’t turn the pages yet, but you can talk with it. More info here.
In three round tables, guided by the editors of the Fair Arts Almanac, we dig into some inspiring proposals on social, economic, ecological and political questions in the arts (and beyond).
Are you curious on how you can get involved in our new open movement?
In between all dialogues on Saturday, we also present the new SOTA structure from 2023 onwards, as a collective platform for artists and cultural workers that want to start an initiative for a fair art world. Connecting to SOTA has never been this simple. Welcome!
Saturday 17 December (20h): CLMT Shift Art
In her movie CLMT Shift Art filmmaker and activist Sarah Baur interviews theatre maker Benjamin Verdonck and choreographer Jérôme Bel about their ecological art practice.
After the film screening we go in a collective dialogue about other strategies and alliances between art and climate action. Book your ticket here.
Sunday 18 December (14h-17h): Election talks, the big rehearsal
Exactly 500 days from May 2024, super month of the next national elections, Door to Door invites the left to first engage in conversation with each other: artists and trade unionists, community workers and peace activists, anti-racists and progressive politicians… To what extent do we want/need to engage in dialogue with fellow citizens from other social circles? And how do we do this? More info here.
And there’s much more during Samenspraak! Four performances, two movies, two world kitchen dinners… CHECK THE FULL PROGRAM HERE

2. Support the World Cup of Shame
The World Cup of Shame is a theatre project by undocumented fellow citizens that went on a hungerstrike in 2021 for their basic rights. Now on stage, they play the World Cup Final between Belgium and Qatar: who becomes the world champion in violating human rights?
Support their crowdfunding, so they can pay themselves a fair fee, 6 days left!
See the performance this Sunday 18th of Dec, at 20h in Ghent