Hello, hello!
SOTA is going fast. Sometimes we can’t follow ourselves. But we think it’s vital to bring cultural workers together around the topics that matter.
So next Tuesday, you’re welcome in Monty at 4pm to join us after work and reflect together on the future of the arts landscape after this risky subsidy round, as a collective input for the Landscape Commission. Afterwards you can either stay for an intimate Money Moment in Monty, or come along to the presentation of the Ultimas in deSingel.
Below you also find the report of our successful previous Open Meeting of April 20th: How to close the gap between art school and art field?
See you around?
What do you think the Landscape Commission should definitely not forget, when it comes to the allocation of structural subsidies for the future of the arts field? Let’s make this a shared conversation. It is not yet too late.
From 4 to 6.30 p.m. in Monty, we will share our insights, as a kind of multi-perspective about the landscape: where are the gaps likely to occur? What side effects will the decisions have on the broader ecosystem?
After an introduction by Kunstenpunt, several observers from different sub-sectors will share their broader view on the picture of the ‘preadviezen’: what common threads do they see? In a plenary discussion we then collect material for an open letter with ten points of attention for the Landscape Commission.
Welcome to our Open Session Landscape Care, register here.
After 18.30 we head off to the annual harvest festival of the Flemish Arts: the presentation of the Ultima’s, that same evening in De Singel, a 20 minute walk from Monty.
Or you can stay in Monty and join the Antwerp Money Moment of Common Income, between 19h and 21h.
On April 20th, around 80 (ex)students, cultural workers and art school teachers gathered in Monty for the SOTA Open Meeting ‘How to bridge the gap between art school and working field?’ After a short welcome, everyone could choose one discussion table out of eight tables, to dig deeper in one of the seven proposals that were published in an open letter of graduated art students in rekto:verso some days earlier. There was also one free table for better ideas.
Here you find the report of the evening.
For SOTA, this open meeting is the start of a new working group on this topic, trying to realize at least some of these ideas. At the end of the meeting, every participant could fill an engagement form to indicate how they want to be involved. If you still want to be kept informed or join the working group, indicate your preferences here.