SOTA is organizing a second collective editorial gathering for the upcoming printed version of the FAIR ARTS ALMANAC. Everyone is invited to come and contribute to the editing process.
Where and when?
Monty, Montignystraat 3, 2018 Antwerp
Friday, the 1st of April, from 16h to 20h
Saturday, the 2nd of April from 10h to 19h
The main goal of this meeting is to look at all the contributions that have been sent in and give feedback and suggest adaptations according to editorial constraints. The contributions for the almanac can take various formats. Next to text material, images, cartoons, photos, drawings and other forms of interventions in the book are very welcome.
We’re looking forward to meeting all the contributors in person. While processing these contributions, we’ll be engaging in many discussions around fair arts practices in Belgium and abroad. We explicitly leave space for proposals and ideas that rise during these discussions to further enrich the content of the almanac. For example these can take the form of a transcript of a live recording or a testimony.
And in between, we’ll take enough time to eat and drink together!
The editorial meetings follow the chapters of the future almanac, which are based on the Gregorian monthly solar calendar. That means that the different topics are arranged by months and the underlying specifics of the seasons in this part of the world.
We invite every contributor of the almanac to join the month’s session which concerns their contribution and present briefly or “pitch” their proposed contribution to the group.
At the same time we invite everyone to participate as an editor in order to give resonance and feedback to the various contributors. You can pick one or several specific months and its related topics, which you might feel connected to or have interest in or, if you like, you can stay for all the editorial sessions during the entire two days.
Each session will be colored differently depending on the month and also on the collective of contributors and editors present.
The main spoken language will be English. But we can help with whisper translations depending on the participants present during the session in question.
Friday, 1st of April 16h – 20h
– 16h. January (endings and beginnings): rest, burn-out, laziness, work-rest-balance…
– 17h. February (cleansing and repair): labor, social security law, reform of aka “kunstenaarsstatuut”, mutuality
– 18h. March (struggle and first opening up, budding and sprouting): art education, school and after school life, transition
– 19h. April (resurrection of life and seeding): ecology, relations with non-humans, circular economies, recycled materials
Saturday, 2nd of April 10h – 19h
– 10h. May (growth): working spaces, artist run initiatives, gentrification, sharing infrastructure and ateliers
– 11h. June (love and fertility): international, mobility, migration, arriving, travel, new comers
– 12h. July (ripeness): play, divination, learning by playing
– 14h. August (majestic) : accessibility, abelism, feminism, racism, discrimination, power dynamics
– 15h. September (harvest): redistribution of wealth, direct forms of solidarity, sos relief, common income, feed the culture, collectivity
– 16h. October (peace): property, public and private ownership, authorship, open source technical tools
– 17h. November (feasts): building coalitions, policy making, lobbying, various forms of political representation
– 18h. December (gifts): relationality, institutional relations, contracting, fair pay, Juist is Juist
In parallel to this main schedule, contributors can in camp style spin off and use other spaces in Monty to have meetings in order to prepare their contributions and or take time to rework materials in smaller working groups based on given feedback.
These will be intense and inspiring days, but most of all we would like it to be joyful. We hope many of you can make it!
We can reimburse train tickets and we’ll invite you for lunch and/or dinner.
Also a volunteer’s payment can be foreseen, if necessary.
If you plan to come, please fill in this registrationform:
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at almanac@state-of-the-arts.net
We’re looking forward to meeting you all!
Justine, Katrien, Kobe, Laura & Nicolas