We know you’re exhausted after a long and weird season in overdrive.
But the only thing that helps is to unite for extra energy.
Here are three appointments in June for our future. All of ours.
- SAMENSPRAAK: How to dialogue with a polarizing society?

In exactly two years, Flanders will have elections again. Are you also worried about the outcome, in a society with increasing signs of resentment, polarisation, racism, populism?
Samenspraak is an open brainstorm about strategies to engage in a dialogue with these trends in Flanders, artistically driven by a deep concern for an inclusive society. What can artists and activists do together ahead of 2024? In several discussion circles, we think through both broader questions and concrete initiatives. (Program & extra info)
Saturday 18 June, 12h-18h/20h
Monty, Montignystraat 3, Antwerp
Register here before June 15th or indicate your interest in next steps
Samenspraak is an informal gathering organized by Door to Door, a research project on dialogue by artists’ platform State of the Arts and citizens’ movement Hart boven Hard. Since the last elections in 2019, this group of ten artists and other engaged citizens has developed artistic tools to have one-to-one conversations with fellow citizens in the public space about their view of society.
On the basis of this practical research in Kortrijk, Ninove, Dilbeek, Neerrepen, Antwerp… Door to Door now wants to take a new step, with the upcoming elections as its horizon. We believe that dialogue can help against polarisation, but how do you do that concretely? Talking is like thinking: it is better not to do it just on your own.

2. Start to JAM: a new peer group for young Antwerp artists on June 29 in Monty!
Graduated as an artist, but a little lost?
Looking for peer support?
Curious to hear other artists finding their way?
Be welcome to the opening meeting of JAM: a new peer group of Antwerp art students and young makers that gather now and then to share their experiences of starting a career in theatre, visual arts, dance, music…
Many of us are confronted with the gap between the art school and the professional field. Sometimes, it can feel a bit lonely there. Why not try to build some more community? We believe we can reach further by supporting each other in exchanging needs, tips and contacts. That’s why we start JAM. (More info)
Wednesday 29th of June, 20h-22h
MONTY, Montignystraat 3, Antwerp
Subscribe here & invite your friends on Facebook
In this first meeting, we want to get to know each other and brainstorm together on what JAM could be, depending on (y)our needs and questions: what could help you in getting started as a professional artist?
(Also interested cultural workers and art school teachers are very welcome, to help brainstorming.)

On Monday 20 June at 11 a.m., we will be going for a cultural block at the big trade union demonstration for more purchasing power. Instead of seeing a quarter of the current arts organisations scrapped, we want the government to invest just a bit more in art and culture. Only then will real fair practice become possible, with fair labour relations.
With this action we, artists and cultural workers, join the call of so many other working people against the ideological politics of blocking a fair wage and support policy, not calculating the index and putting the economy before human welfare. Especially now that prices are rising noticeably. On 20 June, the cultural sector will be making itself heard and seen in a creative way with one message to politicians: invest instead of cut back, because imagination works!
More practical information will follow next week.
Would you like to help think about this action? Contact action@state-of-the-arts.net